Anna Choi

Anna Choi

Senior Data Engineer at Tracksuit

Data Engineer with a software engineering background, bringing engineering principles and best practices into data space


Measuring Success - Observability and More!

Unlocking the Key Metrics That Matter to Data Professionals. Have you ever wondered how best to report / discuss / visualise how the data team's performing? If you tried, you'd know this is much tricker than measuring performance of other functions in the company. The deliverables of the Data team are of two types. one is visible work, like the analytical dashboard or some streamlit app to display the insights - which is easy to measure and directly related to the business value. However, the other type of work is not really that visible. It's basically all the work that surrounds maintaining and improving the data platform. Let's try put this into perspectives.. If you’re managing the data team, you’re helping the team to hit the deliverables without owing a significant amount of technical debt. How do you make sure you have a healthy data team and what do we measure and track this? If you’re an individual contributor, how do you keep the fine balance of delivering at a high quality? Answer is data. We are data team after all! We solve everyone else’s problems by providing data. We show the value of the less visible work by data. This is observability. In this session I will walk through how, here at Tracksuit, we set up some metrics to measure how we are performing as a team, utilising DBT and the elementary package on top. This will include some real life examples of how to quantify, measure, and visualise the data health metrics. I will also touch on the secondary metrics related to analytics experience and developer experience. What would matter to your team and your business? See you at the talk.

Starts: 5:00 PM

Ends: 5:30 PM