Darren Wood

Darren Wood

Field Engineering @ Neo4j

Darren is a member of the Neo4j Technical Field Team and has been seen for the past 10+ years drawing nodes and relationships on every whiteboard in sight ! He has worked in a variety of customer facing roles over a long career centered mainly around either moving, processing or storing data. More recently he has been helping Neo4j customers leverage graphs for digital twins, fighting fraud and building more accurate, secure and explainable Generative AI applications.


Knowledge Graphs : Adding a New Dimension to Vector Search and Generative AI

Language models, embeddings and vector indexes are the new standard for powering search and customer personalisation. These approaches alone however are still limited to a generalised semantic context, making them prone to inaccuracy, hallucination and a lack of explainability. We will explore how using knowledge graphs paired with large language models can address these issues while delivering personalised search and recommendations that are far more focused and targeted to the industry, organisations and customers which they serve.

Starts: 3:00 PM

Ends: 3:30 PM