Eevamaija Virtanen

Eevamaija Virtanen

Senior Data Engineer, Partner @ Invinite, Founder @ DataTribe, Co-Founder @ Helsinki Data Week

Eevamaija’s journey started in the skies as a flight attendant, followed by a long stretch in BPO project management and innovative business and product development. She then let her creative side lead in roles like music video director and photographer before diving into the world of data engineering. With this background, Eevamaija brings a down-to-earth, practical and highly curious approach to tackling data challenges and improving team communication. She’s all about continuous learning and building real, authentic connections - principles that have shaped her path in data engineering. Eevamaija believes in embracing imperfections, asking for help when needed, and keeping it real - because that’s what it really takes to succeed in this ever-changing field.


Breaking into Data Engineering

Eevamaija Virtanen shares her personal journey into data engineering, offering practical advice for those looking to break into the field. From landing her first role to mastering essential skills, Eevamaija discusses the strategies that helped her transition into data engineering, despite coming from a non-traditional background. She’ll cover the key steps for building your skill set, overcoming challenges, and standing out to potential employers. This session is designed to provide you with actionable insights and a clear roadmap for starting your career in data engineering, filled with real-world examples and honest reflections.

Starts: 2:10 PM

Ends: 2:40 PM