Sean Falconer, PhD in Computer Science, with a Postdoc in Bioinformatics from Stanford University, brings over 15 years of experience in research, engineering, product, developer relations, and marketing. Prior to Skyflow, he contributed to projects with the World Health Organization, founded, and led developer relations engineering for Google's Business Communication products. At Skyflow, Sean leads marketing and developer relations, actively engaging with communities through building, writing, speaking, and fostering discussions on engineering and data privacy.
When was the last time you performed a mathematical operation on an email address? Or multiplied a credit card number by a passport number? It's absurd, this would be an insane thing to do, yet we keep storing sensitive customer information in our data warehouses, risking PII exposure, as if we need to perform operations like this. This forces our data teams to act as data police, controlling access—a job that's the definition of “not fun” and quickly becomes unmanageable. Companies are then faced with the difficult choice of either locking down all access or granting over-privileged access, neither of which is ideal. But what if there's a better way? In this talk, we'll explore how leading tech companies with the largest amount of customer data solve this problem. We'll look at the architectural patterns they use to balance data security and usability, and how these solutions can free our data teams from their policing duties.
Starts: 4:00 PM
Ends: 4:45 PM