Tyler Hannan

Tyler Hannan

Senior Director, Developer Advocacy at ClickHouse

Tyler Hannan is an experienced technologist with a passion for human interaction. With a career that has spanned the private and public sectors, large enterprises, consulting, and startups of varying success, he has maintained a focus on data persistence and analysis. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, called on to provide commentary about market trends impacting the design and deployment of database solutions and distributed systems.


Rethinking Status Quo: Open Source and the Cloud Data Warehouse

The last decade has seen the rise of the proprietary cloud data warehouse, led by platforms like Snowflake, BigQuery, and Redshift, that modernized data warehousing by providing scalability, convenience, and most importantly flexibility and openness to a critical class of data workloads. Once this data was available in the cloud, it was possible to adopt it for more use cases, including user-facing analytics, dashboarding, observability, machine learning, and so on. In this talk we will explore the concepts ”real-time", "scalability", "cloud data warehouse" and relate them to common ideas while providing a modern framework for understanding the impact that open-source technologies has had, and will surpass into the future.

Starts: 9:10 AM

Ends: 9:55 AM