Paul Ashley

Paul Ashley

Principal Software Engineer - Atlassian

Paul is a Principal Software Engineer working on Atlassian Data Lake. In his role, he is involved in building next-generation data apps and scaling them to handle petabytes of processed data.


The journey of Data Mesh and Compliance in a Multi-Regional Data Lake at Atlassian

This talk will explore how we are in the journey of implementing the Data Mesh concept at Atlassian. We will delve into the contrasts between logical and physical replication, articulating their implications and trade-offs. Then, we will discuss a product-agnostic replication protocol for logical replication and how we apply schema enforcement using Data Contracts. Then we will discuss the implications of allowing our Cloud customers to choose in which AWS Region their product data will stored, which leads to a multi-regional Data Lake deployment. Finally, we will discuss how the Data Lake is used to power multiple use cases, such as Atlassian Analytics, In-product data experiences, and Data Exports with Delta Sharing to unleash the potential

Starts: 11:10 AM

Ends: 11:40 AM