Piotr Katolik

Piotr Katolik

REA Group - Lead Data Engineer

Piotr's a jack-of-all-trades developer with a penchant for exploration (some might call it an identity crisis, but hey, variety is the spice of life!). Having dabbled in various areas like software development, data engineering, and even a touch of technical writing, he's currently thriving as a Platform Engineer in a large enough data-driven organization to have platform team! A self-proclaimed coding bloodhound, Piotr can't resist a good challenge and is passionate about fostering clear communication between developers to collectively slay those software dragons. He believes in fostering a collaborative and positive development environment, because let's face it, happy devs write better code (and probably have more fun doing it too!).


Beyond the Build: Unleashing the Hidden Value in Your Data Platforms

You've built the internal data platform, but is it just infrastructure or a powerhouse for your products? This talk dives deep into maximizing the value you extract from your platform. We'll explore strategies to cultivate engaged internal user communities, foster innovation within your product teams, and build a win-win ecosystem. Discover how to leverage data to personalize internal experiences, optimize product development workflows, and ensure all internal stakeholders benefit. Get ready to transform your data platform from a technical achievement to a strategic driver of product success.

Starts: 11:10 AM

Ends: 11:40 AM